N81 & N95 8Gb Menu
Eccovi alcuni screen dei nuovi menu disponibili su N81 ed N95 8Gb. Come potete vedere l’organizzazione dei vari componenti ? cambiata radicalmente, l’accesso ? molto pi? simile ad un tab-browsing che ad un menu Symbian classico
Una vista delle informazioni di sistema (credo si tratti di N81 8 Gb):
Ed i menu Musica e Ricerca:
Non male davvero ;)
7 commenti
Hugo Alberto Bompastor
Hi my friend…,
Say me something. Do you think the ordinary N95 Deep Plum, my favorite at moment, could have a firmware update who can give it this cools menus?! I hope so. I’m so sad… I buy the N95 Deep Plum, and it’s amazing, but now I see N95 8gb and my thougths are N95 8gb it’s the truly multimedia computar and not ordinary N95… Now I cant buy the N95 8gb, so sad…
I hope Nokia make a wonderful update for the N95 Deep Plum and the firmware seems more like the firmware of N95 8gb so I can cure my sadness… or else…
Cheers, and by the way, your site it’s very cool, always with the latest news! Keep up the great job
Non ? cambiata, sono differenti tipi di visualizzazione che ? possibile impostare anche con ln076, ferro di cavallo e forma di "V"; solo con qualche modifica in pi?.
This is unique screenshotss in the web.
P@sco ti stai sbagliando, quello screen sono del my Nokia 6110 Navigator… ahahah.. Cmq si sono gli unci screen nel web nn li avevo ancpra visti.. grande pietro!
@Hugo: i don’t think ordinary n95 can be updated to 8gb software, there are too many hardware differences… but i’m not sad, i’m happy with my n95 the same, and i’m waiting to see if 8gb isthe great phone they say
@Mirko: no ? il menu a cui si accede dal tasto multimediale, quello proprio del telefono resta lo stesso, non ? solo questione di differente visualizzazione "griglia-elenco-ferro di cavallo"
@Robert/Arcangel: the unique in the web? no, there are a lot similar ;)
Hugo Alberto Bompastor
You’re right my friend, we should be happy with what we have, and my N95, it’s some fails it’s cool alright… I’ll not waste more money on Nokia moment devices I will wait… Check it out in Nokia Europe site the new Prism Nokia’s, they seem sooo coool, but it’s not this devices I’m waiting for I’m waiting for Nokia’s Touch Screen mobiles. I see the N98 pictures and seems prety cool… Has you say "Let them came and we will see if they are good you not ;-)".
for us…
Hey, did you know about an update for N95 for soon…?
I just like they correct the RAM issues, my N95 only have 10 MB to run application!!! And do not autorecover the RAM used or lost… :-(… If they correct this It will be good news
I had no news about a new firmware, but i think a new one will be available soon, there are some little thing to fix on this one, as the noise in photos and some other thing as the date in sms