10 commenti

  • Karonte

    Hay pasco ho scaricato il carbide 3.1 ma nn riesco a creare il mio file SIS, mi dice ke vuole una key….? la stessa del tuo tutorial o qlks da fare in altro modo?..e dopo nn mi permette di crearlo dicendomi ke ci sono svariati errori….dopo ke mi dirai se la key la devo fare cm dice il tuo tutorial poster? l’errore ke mi spunta dopo aver tentato di creare il file SIS…aspetto una tua risposta…ciao e grazie del tuo lavoro!!!… ;)

  • pietro

    Ciao, si la key e il cer si fanno come da tutorial, gli errori di carbide dipendono molto dalle immagini usate, spesso le png non sono completamente compatibili… Smiley

  • Karonte

    Questo ? l’errore ke mi spunta qnd cerco di creare il file *.SIS:
    Command: D:\Eclipse\plugins\com.nokia.tools.packaging_1.0.0\runtime\win32\S60_31_AknSkinDescCompiler.exe themepackage.txt themepackage
    ======================================================================Skin Compiler v3.1.32 (Aug 23 2006) for Series 60 Platform.Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.======================================================================
    Phase 0: Parameter summary.  Source file: themepackage.txt  Skin name: themepackage
    Phase 1: Input parsing.  Opening source file themepackage.txt …  Parsing file …NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1000) for tsicon_qgn_menu_appsgrid_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 158)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1001) for tsicon_qgn_menu_bt_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 162)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1002) for tsicon_qgn_menu_usb_layer0.bmp (line 166)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1003) for tsicon_qgn_menu_cale_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 170)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1004) for tsicon_qgn_menu_cnv_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 174)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1005) for tsicon_qgn_menu_help_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 178)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1006) for tsicon_qgn_menu_im_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 182)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1007) for tsicon_qgn_menu_log_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 186)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1008) for tsicon_qgn_menu_mce_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 190)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1009) for tsicon_qgn_menu_mode_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 194)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x100a) for tsicon_qgn_menu_note_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 198)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x100b) for tsicon_qgn_menu_phob_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 202)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x100c) for tsicon_qgn_menu_set_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 206)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x100d) for tsicon_qgn_menu_smsvo_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 210)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x100e) for tsicon_qgn_menu_todo_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 214)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x100f) for tsicon_qgn_menu_voirec_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 218)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1010) for tsicon_qgn_menu_wclk_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 222)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1011) for tsicon_qgn_menu_wml_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 226)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1012) for tsicon_qgn_menu_about_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 230)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1013) for tsicon_qgn_menu_am_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 234)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1014) for tsicon_qgn_menu_cmon_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 238)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1015) for tsicon_qgn_menu_fmgr_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 242)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1016) for tsicon_qgn_menu_mg_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 246)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1017) for tsicon_qgn_menu_mg_2_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 250)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1018) for tsicon_qgn_menu_mmc_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 254)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1019) for tsicon_qgn_menu_psln_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 258)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x101a) for tsicon_qgn_menu_sml_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 262)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x101b) for tsicon_qgn_menu_vc_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 266)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x101c) for tsicon_qgn_menu_wallet_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 270)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x101d) for tsicon_qgn_menu_dyc_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 274)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x101e) for tsicon_qgn_menu_cams_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 278)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x101f) for tsicon_qgn_menu_loc_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 282)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1020) for tsicon_qgn_menu_sms_editor_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 286)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1021) for tsicon_qgn_menu_sms_viewer_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 290)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1022) for tsicon_qgn_menu_cam_cxt_layer0.bmp (line 296)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1023) for tsicon_qgn_menu_calc_layer0.bmp (line 302)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1024) for tsicon_qgn_menu_pinb_layer0.bmp (line 308)NOTE: Generated IID (0xfffffffc,0x1025) for tsimage_qgn_note_error_anim_1.png (line 362)
    ———————————————————————-An exception occured (when parsing line 362):  Parse error  Non-SVG icon can not have an unnamed mask———————————————————————-
    Scusa mi se ho occupato cos? tanto spazio!…

  • pietro

    ———————————————————————-An exception occured (when parsing line 362): 
    Parse error  Non-SVG icon can not have an unnamed


    sta a significare che alla riga 362 ? stata inserita un’icona non svg che non ha la mask, e da questo nasce l’errore, perch? le mask devono essere presenti in tutte le icone bmp o png… controlla per bene le icone e correggi quella linea e sei a posto… Smiley

  • Jaymie Ng

    Hi, I really love your horse theme very much. But when I go to message and write chinese wordings, the bar is black in colour. I cannot see the words. Is it possible for you to change the bar colour? I am writing from Singapore. Thanks.

  • gianni

    ciao volevo solo dirti che quando tento di installare un tema di questi sul mio e65 mi da "errore nel certificato contattare il fornitore dell’applicazione"……non sono molto esperto ma se puoi "illuminarmi ti ringrazierei ok?bye

  • pazzoide

    io ho un problema, quando creo il cer e la key mi dice private key, certificate and password mismatch.? tutta la mattina ke provo, qualcuno mi puo’ aiutare??? 

  • Lollo

    ho un nokia e65…ho provato a tirare indietro la data al 2006.. ma mi d? sempre “errore nel certificato, contattare il fornitore”
    come faccio a installarli? grazie

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