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Hi P@sco……
The drak dandem is really fabulous…….It just brightens the screen ansd gives a new look to the phone…..Thanks for such a great creativity…..The colour combination of black, White and dark violet are great…..Every thing is perfect…….
I checked it in landscape mode as well and looks Pretty cool….thanks for such a great theme…….
The only little draw back I had seen is, u can not see the letters that are typed in MS Dictionary viewer for searching a word……..But still great theme to have in any S60 V3 Phone for that matter……
8 commenti
questo si che ? figo!!
a dir poco spettacolare questo tema….!! arriva perfetto…avevo proprio voglia di cambiare tema oggi… :)
spettacolare!poi questo set di icone mi piace troppo!
Grande P@sco!!!!
Hi P@sco……
The drak dandem is really fabulous…….It just brightens the screen ansd gives a new look to the phone…..Thanks for such a great creativity…..The colour combination of black, White and dark violet are great…..Every thing is perfect…….
I checked it in landscape mode as well and looks Pretty cool….thanks for such a great theme…….
The only little draw back I had seen is, u can not see the letters that are typed in MS Dictionary viewer for searching a word……..But still great theme to have in any S60 V3 Phone for that matter……
grazie a tutti!
@krishna: is not a bug of phone but of msdict, it use his own colour font and on some themes is not ok to see… really sorry for that…
Thank u! You’re the BEST!
che maffo!
Come faccio ad installarlo? ?_?